"What do you believe is expected of you, on a moral level?"

"How do you feel about the administrator position, do you believe it should be treated as a volunteer position, or paid position?"

"When should you ignore a rule, to better a situation?"

"What do you expect of players, and staff members?"

"Why are you joining the Game Administration Team?"

"Do you have any unique or innovative ideas to bring to the team?"

"What is your opinion on the Server’s current status?"

"How should new players be treated, in contrast to experienced players?"

"When should you raise the severity of a punishment?"

"Player A reports player B for OOC insults. Player B instigates by swearing, however not insulting. Player A responds to the swearing with insults, followed by Player B replying with insults. Who is it at fault, what is your course of action?"

"A player is reported for deathmatching. The player perfectly roleplayed taking out their weapon and firing upon their target. The player’s reasoning is that they thought their target was somebody else, due to similar nametags and vehicles. Was any rule broken?"

"A player is reported for failing to RP an accident. There is no evidence or logs to back the accusation, what do you do?"
