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This is the OwlGaming Admin Handbook. Here you will have a multitude of resources in the form of guides, lists, and general information at your disposal to help you better perform your role as an administrator of our community. Everything you are allowed or not allowed to do will be detailed here along with how to do it.

It is highly recommended that you read this entire document. Provided here is invaluable information that will be used as the primary basis for any judgment. You will learn how to perform your job, what your limits are, and how the team as a whole operates. The handbook is as the subtitle states, “The Gold Standard”. Much of the information within this handbook is subject to change so when a new version comes out, please ensure that you read it and are up to date on all of the change logs. This document is very much a living document. As time goes on amendments will be made to the handbook based on real scenarios that we as staff members experience in the community so many actual examples will be added and utilized as teaching points. Many administrative decisions based upon those actual examples may in fact make their way into this handbook. This is the same principle utilized in modern court systems. It’s called case law. This is a very important concept to understand if you wish to understand how this handbook and its application to the community works as a whole.

Case Law Definition

Legal principles enunciated and embodied in judicial decisions that are derived from the application of particular areas of law to the facts of individual cases.

Final Note

The handbook is not complete. Each version will be notated, starting at “v1.0”. Each subsequent version will have a changelog appended at the bottom. Bear in mind this handbook was transitioned from a staff handbook to an administrative handbook in order to save time. Certain sentences or phrases may read in that manner.

If you see any typos, fallacies, or other mistakes, please notify the Head Administration. More specifically, the primary author, ThatGuy. If you wish to make amendments to the handbook or have suggestions / contributions, please see the section on how to propose new rules or adjustments to current rules and regulations.


Type Link
Website https://owlgaming.net/
Forums https://forums.owlgaming.net/
Ticket Center https://owlgaming.net/support.php
Teamspeak ts.owlgaming.net
Bug Reporting http://bugs.owlgaming.net/login_page.php
Server IP mtasa://
1.0 - ADMIN 101


When you are first accepted as an administrator, it can be extremely daunting. It doesn’t have to be. Your first step, reading this handbook, is the best thing you can do right off the bat. Read this in its entirety and you will already have a leg up on all administrators who didn’t have a comprehensive handbook like this prior to you. The goal is to train you up as quickly and effectively as possible.

As a new administrator or returning one after a long period of absence, don’t hesitate to ask questions. Interacting with each other is how we learn. It is the most effective way to learn and not only should you ask questions but when you are asked questions yourself, be friendly and answer them. Everyone has been new at one point and we all know what it’s like to be ignored. Not fun. If an administrator actively ignores you, inform higher administration.

One thing you will notice immediately is a large list of commands if you press F1. The F1 menu has a myriad of useful information but you’ll want to go through the commands and learn them yourself. Included in this handbook is an appendix of all administration commands. You can learn the commands there as well.

A note about the commands you’ll have access to, you’ll notice immediately upon becoming an admin that you have new chats. This will include /a for admin chat, /g for supporter chat and /st for staff chat. Lead administrators also have /l for lead+ chat. The information you learn in these chats must be kept between administrators or supporters, respectively. You can share supporter information with admins but not admin information with supporters unless it is information pertinent to a situation you are handling in-game such as a player dispute a supporter noticed in-game and reported through /g. All information across all staff chats is to not be leaked to non-staff members.

You will be reprimanded and likely removed if you do so.

A final note about the F1 menu. Not all rules listed are up to date as compared to the forum rules. As such, the in-game listed rules are not the final versions and are being updated in the next script update.


Administrators, otherwise known as admins, are the gatekeepers of the server. They ensure the rules are followed, should treat others with respect and in turn demand respect themselves. Their word when it comes to the interpretation of rules in any given scenario is the final say and they maintain the quality of roleplay within the server.

Administrators fall under one of two categories, they are a manager or they are not a manager. No role is inherently better than the other when you look at how the admin team operates as a whole. Without managers, the general admin team has no direction or decision makers. Without non-managers there is nobody to ensure the server is running efficiently. They both go hand-in-hand.

Rank Job Manager
Trial Administrator Admin On A Probationary Period No
Administrator Full-Fledged Admin No
Senior Administrator Experienced Admin, Teach Trials Partial
Lead Administrator Special Tasks, In-Game Managers Yes
Head Administrator Staff Manager & Community Direction Yes

Trial Administrators are essentially the same as a regular Administrator except they are on a trial period. They have the same ability to perform the same tasks as a regular Administrator to help the Upper Administration determine whether or not they are capable of being an Administrator.

Trial Administrators naturally being on a trial period means any mistake may result in an instant failure of the trial phase, so be on your best behavior! You do not have the same protections afforded to you as a typical point based infraction system.


The Administrator is the standard in-game “problem solver”. They are the role taking the most reports, helping the players the most and are truly integrated into the roleplay community. They;

Handle all standard reports of metagaming, requesting teleports, assisting with bug fixes, CK situations, etc.
Assist Trial Administrators in-game as they learn in conjunction with the Senior Administrators.
Help Upper Administration keep an eye on the server’s thoughts and attitude as well as compliments and concerns by passing information up the chain of command.
Should not be afraid to speak to Upper Administration UAT or Head Administration HA directly if they have a question or suggestion to avoid miscommunication.


When it comes to Senior Administrators, their duties are the same as Administrators with a few distinctions. They;

Have higher authority over regular admins when handling an RP situation.
Are responsible for handling private CK requests.
Are responsible for monitoring and providing evaluations of Trial Administrators.
May often have tasks delegated to them like Lead Administrators, the difference is the tasks given to Senior Administrators will usually be smaller in scope.


Lead Administrators are seen as the primary in-game leaders. When an Administrator has an issue in-game and there is a decision between a Lead Administrator and a Head Administrator and the issue is well within the scope of normalcy, the Administrator should seek the assistance of the Lead Administrators. They in general have a more in-depth understanding of the day to day operations. They;

Are the primary administrators to receive tasks from Head Administrators. In order to accomplish the tasks at hand they may tell other Administrators what to do, form temporary teams to research and solve an issue and in general, manage the lower Administrators.
Should have a well rounded grasp of what is going on with the day to day intricacies of the servers as related to the players and fellow Administrators.
Should be readily available to answer administration related questions.
Manage the admin team from an in-game perspective by responding to questions, giving advice, guiding admin situations, monitoring large RP events, etc. If they witness staff breaking rules, they are to make a direct contact with the Head Administration to recommend a punishment.


The role of a Head Administrator as a whole, shapes the community. They are responsible for the overall wellbeing of the server and mostly dabble in large decisions but may very well just as easily be involved in small decisions as they see fit for the betterment of the community. The amount of Head Administrators is generally kept low, between 3-4 at the current size of the community, showing an average of 100 players daily. They;

Make community-wide decisions, they are the architects of the Owl Experience.
Delegate tasks to administrators. Micro management is not the goal.
Their votes are the final say in all decisions, including community changes and administration issues or changes.
Are the Internal Affairs investigators.


Every single staff member, without exception must act professionally. Your attitude towards other players must be well natured. Every staff member must possess good moral character, empathy, and adhere to the ethics as described in this handbook; otherwise, said person is not fit for a staff position, plain and simple.

Morals & Ethics

Morals are the principles on which one’s judgments of right and wrong are based. Ethics are principles of right conduct.

A baseline for possessing this good moral character is to simply follow the Golden Rule.

The Golden Rule

A general rule for how to behave that says that you should treat people the way you would like other people to treat you.

Adhering to the golden rule or acting professional does not mean you should be a push-over, or simply, a pussy. You are in a position of authority. When you make a decision whether that is to teach a player and you pull them aside or you punish a player for breaking the rules, you must be steadfast and unabiding with your judgment.

Because of this, you must be certain of your decision before you make it. If you are unsure, gather a second opinion from a fellow administrator. As an administrator offering your advice, do not take a half-assed approach. Either give good advice on a subject you are well versed in or refrain from making unnecessary commentary which could dilute the situation with needless talking or bad advice. To summarize with the ladder half of this point, stay in your lane and know your place.

If you do make a mistake, own up to it, quickly. You will never be punished for making a mistake, realizing it after, then seeking the advice of the Upper Administration on how to proceed in correcting it. There is no shame in admitting you are wrong. There is shame in hiding you made a mistake and being caught trying to do so. If you make a mistake, the UAT will find out. Do not lie. This bears repeating. DO NOT LIE.

Gross incompetence is not tolerated as well. If you are unable to perform your job effectively, you will be removed. This is not a question of being fair or nice. We cannot favor friends in positions as important as administration. Some people simply lack the ability and judgment to be an administrator. That is fine, it is a tough job and may not be for everyone. Do not volunteer for a subject you are not adept in. There is nothing wrong with stating you are not comfortable doing a certain task nor is there anything wrong with asking for help. Simply don’t take a task you cannot do. Part of being professional is your use of language. Cursing excessively or especially cursing at players is not allowed. If you find yourself in a circumstance where you need to be firm with another player, rather than cursing, act like a drill instructor would. Without cursing, give demands of what you expect from a player. If they do not follow your demands, so long as they are reasonable ones, tell them they will be punished. The second they break a rule or stop respecting your authority, or stop following what you request of them, implement the punishment swiftly.

A very common example of this would be a player who is not listening to you, talking in /b while you are trying to solve a situation. Rather than be frustrated and telling the player to “shut the fuck up” which will not be tolerated, tell them to “Stop talking in /b immediately.” If they refuse, punish them right away. If that player who is talking too much in /b is being investigated for breaking a rule and is being annoying in /b, talking too much and refuses to stop when told to, they have forfeited their right to defend themselves in your investigation and can be punished for both not listening to you and spamming /b along with whatever rule they were being investigated for breaking.

Note: There is a big difference between conversing in public and private and with someone you know and someone you don’t know. You may of course curse or use lower standards in chats which are private from the public, such as admin chats or private messages withstanding the fact that you don’t outright insult people to be malicious. Being facetious, sarcastic or dry humored is more than fine in such chats.


As a staff member, you are expected to uphold a certain standard of public appearance on services you use to interact with members of the community on an official capacity. These services are;

Any communication on an official OwlGaming Website;
The Forums
The Ticket Center
Any UCP Communication
Discord & Skype channels owned or operated by Owl.
The standard of public appearance referenced is simply the professionalism and attitude as described above in 2.1.

It is also highly recommended that while a staff member of OwlGaming that you utilize an appropriate avatar on the chat services we may host channels on. It reflects poorly on you as a staff member and on OwlGaming as a whole if you have an avatar with nudity or any obscene material on it when some player goes to add you on the chat program and ask for assistance. Furthermore, we also recommend that you either change your name on these chats programs to your OwlGaming name or include your OwlGaming username in your display name somewhere. You should also be speaking English in such public chats.

A common format used by many administrators is;

Username \ Owl Username | e.g. Dexter \ ThatGuy


As an admin one of the most common websites you’ll be going to is the ticket center. It is an invaluable resource for players and it is your responsibility as an admin to maintain the ticket center. You will check it on a regular basis, reply to tickets you have assigned to you, assign the unassigned tickets and ensure other administrators are keeping up with their tickets. Everyone watches out for everyone else. If one admin is lacking, send them a brief private message telling them they’re behind a bit, motivate them.


The first thing you’ll need to do is log into the user control panel (UCP) at;


On the top right is your login, enter your information there. The login will be the same as your in-game account.

Alt text


Select from the drop down menu, Support Center.

Alt text


After clicking the Support Center, you’ll want to click the hot-linked text to go to the ‘Back End Interface’. This is where you as an admin can see all of the other tickets and reply to other tickets that other players make on their ‘Front End Interface’ which has no management capability like the back end.

Alt text




You will be unable to log into your account after becoming an administrator if you do not have your serial whitelisted. Your serial is an identifier unique to your own computer and will ensure that unless someone is on your computer, your account may not be logged into, even if they have the password.

Further instructions on how to whitelist your serial will be added in v. 1.4.

Be sure once becoming an administrator to change your password on all OwlGaming accounts. This is especially necessary if you do not have a complex password or have not changed it in the last 6 months. The forum accounts do not have whitelisting making them more vulnerable.


When searching logs, be sure you have a reason to do such. For more information regarding this, check out section 1.9.2.


Information on how to handle tickets assigned to you is listed below. This is not a comprehensive list of every scenario but it should give you an idea generally on how to handle each report type. Each report is unique and has its own set of circumstances which are not often replicated. Because of this, you'll need to use common sense in how you resolve an issue. Consult a senior+ administrator for assistance and add them to the ticket.

Inactivity & Closing Tickets

As stated multiple times already, you need to check the ticket center regularly. Failure to respond to a ticket within 7 days will earn you an infraction or removal depending on prior administrative history. You may not abuse the 7 day threshold by making meaningless or poor replies at the brink of 7 days in order to have another 7 days. If you cannot fulfil your ticket center duties, make an inactivity report.

If a player does not respond to a ticket within 7 days, you may close it. If you as an administrator have sufficiently explained the situation to a player and the conversation becomes talking in a circle, you may close the ticket. If you are unable to resolve a problem simply because it is not possible to gain further information or just solve in general, you can close the ticket. Just use some common sense. This is no different than if a player made a report in-game. Close the ticket under the same circumstances you would terminate a report in-game.

You are not required to play a million questions when figuring out a ticket. You as an admin are only required to complete a ticket within reason. Meaning, if a player says “I think John is metagaming” but can’t describe how they think they are metagaming or in what instance they think they are metagaming, it is not reasonable to expect you as an administrator to go through John’s records, 10,000 lines worth to find out if he is metagaming.

Assigning Tickets When you go on the ticket center you should check the existing open tickets and look for any that are unassigned. Assign the tickets and take tickets yourself according to who is best capable of completing said report. If you already have several tickets in motion yourself, you are not expected to assign even more tickets to your account until those in question are resolved. The workload needs to be spread evenly.

You can determine who is best capable of completing each ticket by assigning things by rank and further by specialty. Faction matters are best assigned to FMT members and more so defined by the type of FMT member, legal or legal. Internal affairs reports should be assigned to head admins primarily although lead admins can take them. Depending on how bogged down regular admin team members are, lead administrators are more experienced in digging through logs to do refund requests and things of that nature.


One of the most common types of reports in-game and support center tickets are refunds. They are not only common but can be very emotionally charged. Players who work a long time for money to then buy things, especially guns or drugs can get upset if they lose said items. Keep that in mind when dealing with players who are requesting refunds and be ever so slightly more lenient with regard to their emotional state.

1.5.1 - PROOF

Every refund requires proof otherwise it is invalid. Hard proof. This means a player must have proof that they had an item and proof that they lost it and at least some indication of how they lost it. A picture perfect case is as follows;

A player gets run over by another player in a vehicle in a classic case of DM. When the player dies, they respawn at the hospital and on their chat box it will say exactly what was taken away from them. I.E. a pistol and ammo. That player can then take a picture of their lost items and make a report When an admin accepts the report they can type /showkills and see the player was in fact killed, in conjunction with the screenshot, they can then refund the gun and ammo.

That is a classic example but there are many circumstances which can be vague or simply impossible to figure out if the player is telling the truth. Unless a player has an admin record or a note stating they are known to break rules, give the player the benefit of the doubt. This does not mean refund items without proof but for example if they don’t have pictures or proof of every single step of the incident, it is best to give them the benefit of the doubt.

In cases where there is no or very little proof, outright denial is necessary. If a player is found lying to administrators about a refund, note that on their record and punish them accordingly. The note is very important so that other admins may see this and be weary of future refund requests.



There is no unban procedure for being temporarily banned from breaking rules. If players wish to get unbanned in an instance like that they must file an internal affairs report if they feel their punishment was unjust or an appeal and resolve it directly with the admin themselves.

A permanent ban is given automatically when a player reaches 3 warnings on their account. Reasons for immediate permanent bans which are common are;

Breaching previous unban conditions.
Reaching 3 warnings on their account.
Hacking or exploiting the script.
Mass DM
The "trolls" portion is slightly vague, so I will clarify. There's generally three types of players who cause issues. There's the person who is simply a retard and generally knows how to play but breaks the rules on a semi-regular basis. These people usually have bad attitudes but never do anything egregious enough to warrant a permanent ban. The second type is the person who simply does not know how to play and should be force-apped. The third, which is the troll, is someone who is competent enough to know how to role play. They know what they are doing, they shouldn't be doing it, and would be able to pass a forced application to come back and troll easily.

Those are the types of people we ban and usually only unban under strict unban conditions (like all permanent bans). The reasons for banning said people are generally "Not here to play seriously, trolling.", etc. It is important to give these people ample warnings to stop behaving as such before a ban is issued. Threats of such ban if the behavior does not stop is also highly suggested.


When a player is permanently banned, you must go to the ban thread that is automatically generated and post a reply with the evidence for said ban.


Forms of proof are;

Other Witnesses (Specifically admins who can post on the thread and backup your narrative.)
After a permanent ban has been induced, the player may not be unbanned for 6 months at bare minimum. It is important that you as an admin understand the importance of a permanent ban. It truly is permanent. Bans have gathered this reputation that they are always temporary, that mindset needs to change. They are not temporary.

People should seldom be unbanned and only for very specific reasons.


If a player is permanently banned and 6 months has passed, they may make an unban request on the support center if they wish. Only the original banning admin may unban the player. If that original banning admin is not in the staff team anymore, the unban must be decided upon by the upper administration.

When a permanent ban is made and a player thinks it is unjust, they may make an unban request. The only reason this unban should be accepted inside of 6 months is if the ban turns out to be a mistake due to a grave misunderstanding or something similar. If you as the banning administrator then deny that unban and believe you were in the right, the next course of action for the player is to make an internal affairs report.

Note: Any admin who has working knowledge or was involved with the ban may be added to any support ticket related to the ban. They however do not have voting power and must not offer opinion as to whether they should remain banned or unbanned. The goal of them being present in such a circumstance is to give context to a ban if it is being contemplated by the upper administration.


More information soon.


Community Blacklist

When a player has done something egregious to the server or community, it may warrant a blacklist. The types of offences that would fall under blacklisting are hacking and causing mayhem, leaking scripts or OwlGaming assets, being a large nuisance to the server as a whole, attacking the community and so on.

A black list is ultimately decided by a decision among the Head Administrators of the community and finalized by the server owner. Blacklists are non-reversible. Once made they truly are permanent and may never be overturned. A master list of the blacklists and all of the information of those blacklisted is kept on the OwlGaming website

Staff Blacklist

Staff blacklists are given out to staff members who are not only removed from the admin team but who commit a flagrant offence. This would include but are not limited to;

Abuse of their powers.
Unrighteous banning.
Personal abuse or malicious intent towards specific players.
Each blacklist is evaluated and given out by the head administration. Just like community blacklists, a staff blacklist cannot be reversed.

Staff team leaders may also blacklist members from their specific team.

Each blacklist must be documented and righteous. A blacklist made by an internal staff team manager may be reviewed for appeal by the Head Administration.


Performing actions as an admin has always had a very thin line of what you can and cannot do as an administrator. More specifically, things that could possibly benefit you, your friends, or be seen as bias. Because of this thin line, which often was blurry, many admins have at times been hindered from doing their job for fear of reprisal.

That is an unacceptable outcome.

Pay close attention to this section. In as much detail as necessary I will lay out exactly what is allowed so that once you have a full understanding of this section, you may do your job without hindrance.


As an administrator being unbiased is paramount. Before we continue further I want to first clearly define what bias is and how it applies to being an administrator.

Bias Definition

Prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person or group compared to another, usually in a way considered to be unfair.

Bias in the past has been a very misunderstood thing. People often associate it with an overused phrase known as “friend circles” or “cliques”. For reasons I have yet to find out but suspect is because people are jealous and immature, people associate being a friend with someone and then doing something that may even remotely benefit said friend as bias. This is in fact, not bias.

If something is done and it is done objectively, meaning according to all rules and regulations it is allowed, it does not matter the person that it is done for. All that matters is whether or not it is done fairly and within the rules. The only exception to this is if something is done within the rules but it is done selectively. I will list examples below.

Objective Definition

(of a person or their judgment) not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.

Imagine if you will, a player wishes to break into a house and they are an admin. Another admin is on duty who happens to be their friend but is not at all related to the current RP, they are simply flying around. The admin who wants to break into the house may request that their friend supervise the RP via asking in /a. So long as the RP is done properly, is supervised properly by the admin and all rules are followed, there is no bias present in the situation. That is a landmark of being an administrator, being able to take any scenario and judge it fairly whether it is on a fellow administrator, a friend, or a random player.

Take this same example and let’s twist it a little bit to make it bias. If property thefts were turned off and the admin made an exception for his friend to break into the house, that would be bias. Or, if the player of a house had installed a steel security door and the admin unlocked the door after their friend only RPd bashing it a few times with a baseball bat, that would be bias. Finally, a case of bias, although slightly less clear to distinguish, would be if the overseeing administrator oversaw that property theft, wasn’t busy and then refused to oversee a property theft by another player.

This same concept applies to people who may be in the same faction together, fellow administrators, someone in the supporter team, or simply someone you hang out with on Teamspeak. The connection to the person is irrelevant as long as the content of what is being done in-game is fair.

It is always recommended to use an admin who is least connected to you, for the sake of being safe. Unfortunately, many people often are on late at night and the only admin might be someone they know. Another example would be someone who is in a hurry, such as a CK situation. The first available administrator may be the only option for a limited time frame if others are busy and such.

A final point I wish to make based upon the first scenario given is; administrators DO NOT need to /report when requesting assistance from other administrators. The point of a report is to contact administrators. Contacting administrators, as an admin, is simply done through use of /a or /l.


If you are an admin and are a member of a faction who is at war or in conflict with another faction, person, or group of people, you may not then do something administrative related towards that faction, group or person. Meaning, if faction A is at war with faction B and there are CKs being done back and fourth, an admin who is in faction A cannot oversee a CK being done on faction B. The only exception to this is if there is no other admin on that can handle a CK and you are not directly involved in that specific RP instance. This encompasses such a situation where three members of faction A find a member of faction B to CK but the only admin online is a member of faction A who is not going to actively participate in the CK, let’s assume they are simply doing reports, they may then oversee the CK. In a case like this it is vitally important that the overseeing administrator enforce all rules exactly.

After such a scenario, inform a lead+ administrator there was a conflict of interest. (A conflict of interest is not inherently a bad thing per say, of course.)

All cases of possible bias need to be viewed from a different lens each time. The circumstances surrounding that case can mean all of the difference in the world.


As a whole, administrating your own roleplay is not allowed. Let’s say you’re roleplaying as a regular player, interacting with people at a bar and someone tries to swing and punch you but fails and your character beats them up. If that player then starts OOCly insulting you, you cannot punish them for OOC insults yourself.

An exception to this is in circumstances where a player is doing something which is a clear violation of the rules and they are disrupting roleplay. A common example of this is a player running up to you on the street while you are roleplaying and DMing you. You are allowed to take enough action necessary to prevent any further rule breaking and intrusion on the scene. Another admin must be contacted as soon as possible to take over the scene and punish the player. An additional illustration of this type of exception would be you driving around on the road and you witness two players crash into each other. You were not hit or directly involved in any way, but you are merely a witness. You may ensure that both players role play their injuries properly to prevent power gaming.

In the rare event that you are the only admin online or the only admin who is capable of handling the situation, you may punish the player provided that the player was objectively breaking the rules.


1.8.1 – ACTIVITY

Every admin is expected to maintain activity within the community. This includes;

Going in-game fairly frequently.
Meeting or exceeding the average report count.
Checking the ticket center and forums regularly and replying when needed on player reports, CK applications, CK appeals, etc.
Checking Discord, Skype or other chat programs where you are involved in group staff chats to better monitor the state of the community.
The OwlGaming performance center is a great tool to monitor overall activity in the admin team and then match your activity to the average, or even better yet, exceed it!


As you can see from the link above, the performance center allows for detailed viewing of how individual administrators and the administration as a whole is doing in regards to reports. Keep in mind this is only one measure of activity but is considered the most important. You may be restricted to only viewing certain activity metrics. You can ask the Upper Administration for more information if you wish to compare yourself to the rest of the team or get the averages.

Checking forums and being active on them doesn’t just include replying to the latest General Discussion thread if you have some input but it means checking threads you are tagged in like dealing with a CK, a discussion, or similar circumstances. You should also actively tag other admins on threads where they are required, be ardent with your work.

As an admin, you also should not be a recluse. You are required to interact with the community so get use to it and even proactively speak to those who you may not know all that well. A friendly admin is extremely beneficial to a community. Players are then no longer hesitant about talking to an admin to ask for advice or solve an issue, stemming a problem long before it festers and becomes bigger. Proactivity is important with social interaction and general administrative duties.

The types of in-game and support center reports or tickets listed below are only general overviews to help familiarize new admins with each type and gives them an idea of who they should assign the ticket to. Throughout the guide will be more specifics written down about each type of situation, report type and circumstance and how to handle it.



As an admin you should consider how you conduct yourself, more specifically how responsibly you act with such power. You must not only act professional and have a well mannered attitude as a whole but delving deeper into the specifics, you must be responsible with your commands.

A huge part of being an admin is being able to access information that you otherwise would not through an endless amount of commands. This includes being able to check logs, overhear people’s private messages, recon people, fly around invisibly near RP to secretly monitor, and much, much more. The information you learn from such commands must not be leaked or shared with other players. It may be shared however with fellow administrators as necessary to perform your job as an admin.

Another point to consider when being responsible with your commands is to avoid witch hunting. If you simply dislike someone and wish to check their logs only to try and find some small detail to punish them, you may be punished. Doing so is acting out of malice towards said player and is unfair. That nonetheless does not excuse the rule that the player being targeted may have broken.

The key here is you should be acting in good faith which means you should be acting honestly, with sincerity and good intentions


The monitoring commands specified above have a time and place when they should be used. Before I go further into specifics, the general thought on when and why is if you need to gather information pertinent to a situation you can articulate. This is very similar to reasonable suspicion.

Reasonable Suspicion Explanation

Reasonable suspicion is a legal standard of proof in United States law that is less than probable cause, the legal standard for arrests and warrants but more than an “inchoate and unparticularized suspicion” or “hunch”. It must be based on “specific and articulable facts”, “taken together with rational inferences from those facts”, and the suspicion must be associated with a specific individual.

You must have a reason to suspect someone may be doing something wrong or breaking a rule. Whether that is you witnessing them prior to that moment breaking a rule, looking as if they are going to break a rule or have simply broken rules in the past which lead you to believe they might again. This also includes general monitoring of people for faction related matters and such.

If for example a faction has had instances with their members of metagaming in the not so distant past, it is reasonable for an admin to use /bigearsf which is a command to monitor faction chat, to monitor OOC communications to make sure that there is no metagaming going on. This same concept applies to using /bigears on regular players, reconning or watching people, checking their logs, etc. As an admin you may also at random recon players for a brief moment in time especially if the server is slow to ensure that players aren’t breaking the rule. Over the course of your time as an admin you’ll find that by doing that you can find people occasionally DMing each other for fun, using scripts to prevent the anti-AFK script from kicking them, etc.

This does not mean that you can intrude on or watch people at random for prolonged period of time when it's clear there is no rule breaking (i.e. e-sexing in a quiet interior), especially not with malicious intent as described above. Doing so will get you in trouble, so will targeting players or factions. Remember, the golden rule. You wouldn’t want an admin who was bored to watch your every step just to catch you if you bump into a pole on accident while nobody is around, would you? I don’t think so.


When you are an admin you are often present in scenarios you wouldn’t have access to as a regular player. Just as 3.4.2 says, ask yourself, do you have a reason to be present? This comes in many forms such as /disappear, /recon, /bigears, etc. It is not uncommon for admins to simply fly around casually whilst in between reports. This is perfectly acceptable. If you are going to do this for any length of time or utilize the superman feature to watch an event, it is wise to use /disappear. This way people are not distracted by the obvious out of character admin flying around.

When you are present in any given scenario, it is important to not interfere unless on an administrative capacity, like handling a report. Our goal as admins is to help when needed yet remain out of sight and out of mind when we’re not.

Let me say that again;

Our Goal Regarding Presence

Be available when players need us but out of sight and out of mind when we aren’t needed. Players shouldn’t ever know we’re around unless they ask for us. Then we shall be swift and resourceful.

This means you shouldn’t do anything to hamper someone’s roleplay and harass people like bump into their vehicle while they are driving causing it to jolt and go off the road or ninja jack them while you are invisible. Be courteous and professional.


When you are role playing you shouldn’t be using commands that can give you any sort of an advantage, regardless of your intentions except in the examples given under the bias section, 3.1. You can’t use a command on a person you are roleplaying with under the excuse of “admin duties” because you are not allowed to administrate your own roleplay unless under special circumstances. See section 3.2.3 for further information.

Commands are never to be used for personal gain especially while roleplaying when it could affect others. Spawning guns, blowing up vehicles and other offences of the like are as common sense would dictate, not allowed.


At the end of the day though, the Head Administration is not comprised of a bunch of Nazis, there is some leniency and a natural perk to being an administrator. You are, depending on the situation, able to do things which benefit you, that only admins have access to, within reason and as long as it doesn’t negatively affect roleplay of others or those you are interacting with.

Everyone drives around and bumps their vehicle occasionally on accident, it happens. You fixing your vehicle after such an incident is more than acceptable under the general guidelines of the paragraph above. Clearly, doing so while in a police chase or something of that nature is not allowed, but if you are cruising around the city, nobody will mind.

Because administrators also are able to fly around or teleport, you may often times find yourself teleporting to and from locations and walking in on RP. That too is fairly normal and acceptable as long as you being suddenly present in an RP doesn’t affect anyone past regular, passive RP.

An example which I’ve experienced myself goes like this. You’re a detective in the PD and you are interrogating someone with a fellow detective. A particularly important report comes up and you leave the scene to handle it. The person you’re interrogating and your fellow detective should just RP you went to go to the bathroom or something. By the time you finish the report the interrogation is over and your partner is now driving around, patrolling the streets. You then teleport back to your partner, get in the car and continue doing your normal police activities.

That is just one of many possible examples. Use your brain and common sense when it comes to figuring out what is acceptable and if you are unsure, ask a UAT member.

(As noted in this handbook in the beginning, if you run into a particular instance in-game that could be used as a teaching moment and added to this, please inform the writer or person who is actively maintaining this handbook!)

Just remember to ask yourself. Does this negatively affect anyone or any roleplay involving you or around you?


Any time a player is involved with another player and there is an issue you need to solve, the tensions will be high. Conflict naturally breeds emotional instability and this is important to remember. Do not get frustrated as an admin. You should be calm and firm at all times.

Depending on the severity of the situation which will be judged at your own discretion, the first thing you’ll want to do, assuming you did not witness the incident which caused the conflict yourself is get the side of the story of all parties involved. First, you must separate out people who were involved in the situation from people who were not involved. Many times random people on the street will run up to an admin situation and start participating unnecessarily in the conversation in /b. Tell those morons to leave.

After identifying who was present and involved in the current situation, ensure there is no argument. Players arguing with each other by the time an admin arrives causes no good for anyone involved. You being the present admin will only have to shuffle through their volleys of information to figure out what is going on, questions are missed among the furious typing and it’s just stupid. So, tell everyone involved to stop talking. If someone continues to talk and defies your orders you have two choices. Mute their OOC chat or punish them. If they are punished for speaking out of turn and are being an idiot, they forfeit their right to either accuse someone of wrongdoing or defend themselves of an accusation.

In layman’s terms this means if you see for example Player A hit a pole or get into an accident with Player B but not RP the injuries. You teleport Player A back to Player B so they may RP the accident but Player A is being unreasonable and not listening to what you are telling them, you have no obligation to continue further trying to get him to RP the injuries, you may simply punish them and get it over with and void the initial accident.

The same concept applies to anything really, but I’ll explain DM. Let’s assume Player A punches Player B and Player C witnesses the situation and makes an admin report. You stop all players involved and Player A is unreasonable, spamming /b and such, they then forfeit their ability to defend themselves and their benefit of the doubt is stricken and you can then jail the player for DM based on the witnesses statements from both Player A and B.

To continue with our original situation; after you have identified who is present and involved with the current situation you need to then begin gathering stories. This can be done one of three ways. You can ask all players to be quiet and one player at a time from each side of the conflict explains their side of the story. You can separate the players by teleporting them to a rooftop and using /b to talk or while you are all together you can ask each player to individually PM you. The PMing is the recommended method of solving an issue and gathering the sides of the story from all players because it doesn’t give any one side of the conflict the ability to hear their friend’s story and lie or consolidate their answers to the admin. If there is an inconsistency in the story of one player to the next, you know someone is lying.

After gathering each side of the story and asking any clarifying questions you should then ask for any evidence of the parties involved. This will be the most crucial part in making a decision. You as an admin also can gather evidence by checking logs after hearing both sides of the conflict and understanding the situation.

Players claiming to be witnesses is a valid form of evidence, just like any form of court but it is important to remember that bias may play a role especially if people involved are friends or faction members together.

Finally, you need to weigh both sides of the story in conjunction with the evidence and decide on a solution. You may choose to void the situation, force the players to re-roleplay it or outright punish the player who broke the rules, which voids the situation unless the rule being broken is not an important part of the overall situation. This would be if a police officer is pulling a player over and a noob roleplaying as a hobo to troll people starts punching the cop car. You would punish the hobo noob and void the punching rather than void the whole police stop. Certain sections or bits and pieces may be voided as long as the integrity of the RP situation as a whole is kept.


As an admin the most important types of reports are ‘player reports’ and should be taken first over any other type of report. As common sense would dictate, when one player reports another, that’s generally because there’s a conflict and it’s actively happening which means you need to be there to sort it out soon.

A player getting ninja-jacked and then having to wait 10 minutes to have a report accepted to get their car back, meanwhile the noob who ninja-jacked them is smashing into players, dumping the car in the water, etc, is not acceptable. If you are able to take a report meaning you are online and not actively handling another report, you need to take the player report. Not doing so and leaving them unattended is unacceptable.


One of the powers you possess as an admin is to mandate or request that someone do something within reason. This is exactly how a police officer operates. When they are doing an investigation, you must listen to their commands provided that you of course are not put in danger or are breaking the law and things of that nature. The same applies when speaking to players and dealing with an admin situation whether it involve a CK situation or a simple player dispute. A player dispute we’ll touch on is players PMing each other. While players do have the ability to use game coins (GC) to purchase perks like PM blocking, that does not mean that players who do not have their PMs blocked can spam others or be spammed in their own PMs if they don’t want to.

If one player is messaging another unnecessarily and excessively or making threats and then files a player report, you have the ability to tell the player who is the suspect in the situation to stop. If they don’t, they are liable to be reprimanded.


It is incredibly important that you as an administrator document everything that happens in relation to other players or incidents. This helps other administrators understand a players past history long after you are gone or if you are not presently able to attend to a specific situation involving a player you have previously punished, spoken to, or taught.

In general, every time you teach someone, give them a verbal warning, punish them, speak to them about something administrative related, notic e a behavior flaw in them or repetitive behavior, note it down. Go into their /check and add in a new line, at the top of the box a description of what happened followed by your name and the date.


"John Doe seems to have a poor attitude and contests the administration regardless of the situation. I told him not to punch cars and he said he was “Superman” and disagreed with my directive.” –ThatGuy (1/13/2016)

The date should go MONTH, DAY, YEAR.

It’s not uncommon for admins to add silly things to their friends /check. This is fine, but do it at the bottom of the check so important information stays at the top.

2.0 – ADMIN 102

All examples with an exclamation point (!) indicate it is a case law example.


During large RP events where multiple CKs are likely to occur or gang attacks, natural disasters, police raids, etc it is wise and highly recommended for multiple administrators to spectate the scenario in order to ensure it runs smoothly. The administrator who is starting said event or monitoring it is the person who is in charge inherently unless upper administration need to step in due to an issue or something of that nature.

When there are multiple admins involved, each admin is responsible for their own sector. Let’s take for example a fire. There is a fire inside and there is a fire outside. One admin should monitor and start the fire inside while another does one outside, this way if anyone gets burned on either side, the admins can ensure the players roleplay their injuries correctly, structural damage taking place and so on. Admins who do not see a certain sector of the roleplay may not make decisions about another sector of the roleplay if there is already a capable admin there who did see it.

Take for example a shootout It happens in the same neighborhood but in two different locations. Admin A watches one portion and Admin B watches another. There is no need for Admin A to switch scenarios and force a player involved in Admin B’s scenario to roleplay injuries if Admin B is capable of handling the situation and especially not if Admin A did not see that player sustain those injuries. If Admin B suddenly disconnects and there is a dispute then about someone getting shot, then Admin A may step in, gather witness statements, check logs, etc as if it is a normal admin situation. This is all simply to avoid confusion or admins stepping on each others toes in a complex situation.

A good rule of thumb is to try and get one admin to watch each sector of RP in a large event. A sector is any area of the RP event that is not capable of being watched by more than one admin. So if a police chase splits off into two directions, ask in /a chat quickly for an admin to watch the portion of the police chase you cannot watch. Or if there is a fire, ask an admin to watch the outside while you are inside.

If you are an admin watching a scenario and you fail to ask for assistance of other admins and an issue then occurs from that, you may be held liable for negligence or incompetence. So don’t be afraid to ask for help! If you ask for help and nobody does, the blame is then on the admin who refused to help, not you.



A theft is only a theft if an administrator is required to monitor the situation and then use their commands to further the role play scene. This applies to burglaries / property break-ins as well.

A Theft

A player wishes to go to someone's house who they suspect may be keeping important information from them. Breaking into the house may yield said information. The house is locked, thus, an administrator is required to unlock the house to allow the break-in and theft of the contents inside. By nature of this incident, it requires an administrator to be present in essence, requiring "approval".

Not A Theft

A player wishes to do the same thing to said person's house, yet they find out after trying the front door that it is unlocked. They walk inside, locate the document containing the information they were originally seeking, then walk out. This is not a theft because an administrator was not required in any step of the process. No "approval" was then necessary.

In order for thefts or burglaries to be allowed, they must be turned on via the F1 menu. If a player makes a request when they are turned off, you may turn them on and then handle the request. Do not immediately turn them off after finishing the request so that others may take advantage of it while it's on.


Bodies which are CKd may be robbed at any time. The most likely people to do such are the people actually CKing the person. The reason there is no time limit is because the inventory of the player does not get transferred with a character transfer. There however are some limitations still in place.

What May Not Be Taken - Keys - Duty Equipment / Weapons - Legal Weapons - House / Vehicle Tokens - Faction Badges / ID Cards - Custom Donator Skins - ATM / Bank Cards *

Items with an asterisk (*) may be taken with the owner's permission.

The most effective way to get the items off someone's body is to ask the players CKing the person if they will be taking anything off the body. If they say yes, before CKing the person, tell them to drop the items. This may not be possible in situations which are fast paced so after the person is killed by the people performing the CK, teleport them away, gather the items, teleport them back to the scene, then perform the CK command.

The other method is to un-CK the person, a lead admin may then log into the account and remove the items being requested, then re-CK the person. Be sure you take note of the CK reason to re-apply it.


When a player makes a request to break into a cargo container, property break-ins must be turned on. After that is verified, the players may break into the container as per your direction of the role play scene. All containers will be role played as having at least two large padlocks, requiring at minimum, a large pair of bolt cutters. Each lock will be given a 20% chance to break each attempt.

Other methods to break the locks are allowed such as cutting torches, hacksaws, etcetera. Ensure that you know how the items they end up using are role played so you may properly verify there is no power gaming happening. If you are not sure, ask fellow administrators or use Google.

After the locks are broken, to determine the items inside the container, we will use a simple die roll. 1 through 6. Each number has a type of item attached to it. You may amend this list as necessary and add more detail as you see fit.

Raw Materials / Construction Supplies
Cinder Blocks / Concrete / Rebar
Drywall, Sheet Metal, Plywood, Etc.
Power Equipment
Drills, Saws, Hand Tools, Etc.
Scrap Metal (Lots of scrap metal is shipped overseas for melting down.)
Barrel of Plastic Pellets
Couches, Chairs, Sofas, Loveseats
Tables, Countertops, Cabinets
Bedframes, Mattresses, Wardrobes, Shelving, Etc.
Televisions / BlueRay Players, Etc.
Radios, Speakers, Audio Equipment
Computers, Screens, Keyboards, Microphones
Produce & Food
Preserved Food
Canned Food
Dried Food
Cereal, Chips, Ramen, Etc.
Misc. Items
Batteries, Generators, Small Engines
Supplements / Vitamins
Office Supplies
Paper Supplies
Outdoor Related Items
Tents, Collapsible Chairs, Folding Tables
Coolers, Grills, Sun Shades, Etc.
Spare Parts
Machine Parts
Hardware, Nuts, Bolts, Drive Belts
Vehicle Parts
Engine Components
Each category is assigned a number on the die. 1 through 6, the die is rolled. The die should then be rolled 2 more times to determine how many items of the type you've landed on are spawned.

For this example, let's say someone has landed on Misc. Items. A roll is then done a second time, landing on 4. They will then get 4 crates of Batteries. A third roll is done landing on 2. They can then get 2 crates of Paper Supplies. In this case, toilet paper.

As said prior, you may supplement your own items or add your own categories as you see fit. The list provided is merely a starting point or a simple reference. There are two main things to remember about shipping containers.

Shipping containers do not contain small, high-value items generally speaking. Do NOT spawn things such as jewelry, precious stones and gems or small, delicate items. Those types of items would be sent through UPS or similar carrier companies and are insured. The same applies with pharmaceuticals. There are a myriad of items like this which do not apply to shipping containers. Use your brain and when in doubt, ask the UAT. This list can be expanded as time goes on.
Shipping containers generally contain large, bulky items. The most commonly shipped item by weight is large concrete structures such as statues and similar pre-molded pieces. This will give you an idea of how shipping containers are used. It is a method to ship things in bulk at a very cheap rate. There's a reason the vast majority of the scrap metal in the US gets sent to China through shipping containers to be melted down. It's cheaper to ship it rather than melt down here in the US.

Before we start, take note of the following website which is useful in quickly calculating the percentages.


Vehicles which are stolen and then chopped for their spare parts and scrap metal are all priced in the same general manner. Use /getvehweight to determine the weight of the vehicle. Use it while inside a vehicle or type in the ID manually.

As an administrator, you are responsible for shaping the role play scene, not merely being an external force which spawns money or items. To explain what this means more in practical terms, see the example below. let's say someone wants to RP chopping the car and selling the parts as well as the scrap metal. They make a report and you take it, reconning them shortly after. Do not simply delete the car and take the money. They must make an effort to role play actually moving the cargo which they have.


Someone has already role played chopping the car. You accept their report, they send you the logs. You review the logs and they are of sufficient quality. The player then role plays loading all of the parts of the vehicle into a large truck for transport. The parts are heavy and awkward to move so he enlists his partner in crime to assist him. Minutes later the items are loaded up, they then drive to the warehouse district, Ocean Docks. You role play through /do an NPC waiting nearby at a garage door. They unload the truck, take the parts and pay the two criminals. You spawn the money, close the report, everyone goes on their merry way.

This is of course a simple example but you can use your imagination to be as creative as you wish. Does the player try to haggle the price? Give them a bit more money for making the effort. Is the warehouse they chose closed? Maybe they decide to role play calling their contact, their contact then gives them another warehouse location. The players must drive to the new location to sell the car parts. The possibilities are nearly endless and it's up to you to make the player's experience enjoyable and fully immersive, making role play part of every single step.

What are some takeaways from what is said above?

Don't just delete the car and spawn money. Role playing is a part of every single step.
The role play involved with all parties must be exceptional. Failure to do so will result in a nullification.
As an administrator, allow the situation to organically evolve while maintaining a high degree of realism.
You ARE the role play! Without you the players would not have the experience of chopping and selling the car. Don't be passive and boring. Remember, you're like a Dungeons and Dragons Dungeon Master!
The word "exceptional" was mentioned earlier. What do we mean by this? The simplest way to explain this is imagine if your $200,000 car that you spent dozens of hours in-game to acquire is stolen. You would want the thief to at least put their maximum effort into stealing and selling it, right? This is the "Golden Rule" mentioned previously.

Finally, many of these requests are handled by players showing logs of role play that have previously done. Generally this is to save time, they do it so you do not have to sit there while they role-play with the car for two hours. As a result, these logs are sometimes falsified or forged.

To prevent this, take one line out of the logs, something that is unique looking and search for it in the logs on the UCP. Do that one or two times with various lines and see if it comes up again. If it does and it's not them, you'll know that the log is copied from a previous role play.

Forged Logs

Any player who forges logs or lies to administrators like this should be punished with a jail, warning, etc, as you see fit. A note should be added to their /check stating that they are also blacklisted from participating in vehicle chopping again.


There are a few modifiers which may be applied to the vehicle. The vehicle year specifically modifies how valuable it is in terms of spare parts and scrap metal.

1980 - 1990 = No Price Increase
1991 - 2000 = 20% Price Increase
2001 - 2005 = 40% Price Increase
2006 - 2010 = 60% Price Increase
2011 - 2017 = 80% Price Increase
All high end cars or luxury cars may also receive an additional 200% to account for the value of the spare parts. These are common sense but a non-comprehensive list would include;

Land Rover
Luxury SUVs
Performance Vehicles / Sports Cars
Unique Variations / Builds
Luxury SUVs
Performance Vehicles / Sports Cars
Unique Variations / Builds
Rolls Royce
Alfa Romero
Unique / Speciality Cars
Utility Vehicles
Construction Equipment
Armored Vehicles
This list is NOT comprehensive and new vehicles are always being made. This list serves as a good baseline to reference. It is up to you to use your judgement and figure out what qualifies as luxury, sporty, unique, etcetera, which would utilize this modifier.

Example 2

A 2014 Ford F-150 SVT Raptor with the command being applied to it will show;

Vehicle weight: 2729kg. Automated calculation (mass x 3) for chop shop: 8187$

This vehicle is in the modifier category of 2011 to 2015, adding a 80% increase. It is also a more exotic Ford being the "Raptor" variant. Because of this, we add 200% to the final outcome. Totaling $31,110. As you can see from breaking down this calculation, the percentages were all done based upon the original value of $8187.

Official Faction Car Exporting

Official factions will be able to export cars at an even higher percentage increase. This is a faction perk and is done to incentivise people to role play with factions more in the server rather than do lone wolf type role play.

An additional 15% of value may be added to the total calculation. This is different from the other calculations which are all done based upon the base weight value.

Example 3

Take the same 2014 Ford F-150 SVT Raptor, the total was $31,110. Adding the 15% modifier onto it, we have a grand total of $35,776.

Final Note

With all of the information above, there is one final point to keep in mind. There are some limitations in how much money someone may receive

Related Commands

/getvehweight [vehicle ID -optional]

2.2.5 – Vehicle Registration

In short, vehicle ownership cannot be transferred anymore as a simple way to steal a very expensive car and get away with it. In real life this is nearly impossible especially after the vehicle is reported stolen. The primary reason for forging vehicle registration is so that you may drive a stolen vehicle without being arrested if you are pulled over and are not on the registration.

To further elaborate for those who may not have vehicles with registration in real-life; the owner of a vehicle may add multiple names to their vehicle registration, such as family members. This is done so that if said family member is pulled over and the officer asks for the registration, their name is listed thus removing any suspicion that the car is stolen and not yet reported.

What this means in practical terms is if you use a stolen vehicle to commit a crime, you can drive around in it as long as it's not reported as stolen and not have to worry about being arrested because your name on the ID will match the vehicle registration.


The player must possess the proper character development and in-character skills to roleplay forgery. The roleplay performed must be of exceptional quality and the in-game items must be acquired beforehand with the accompanying prices for the items being realistic as well.

Fields we deem necessary to include in fake registration papers for cars are listed below. If any one of the below points is excluded from the document, it is deemed invalid and cannot be issued to the character.

License Number
Issue Date
Expiration Date
Vehicle Serial No.
Vehicle Manufacture Year
Vehicle Make
Owner Name
Additional Names
Owner Address
City / State
The paper must have a watermark of the State of San Andreas. Just like money. This will require a special type of tamper-proof security paper. There are a myriad of different types of this paper. When the player gives you what type they used, if they know to use it, simply use Google to verify the type of paper and it's validity.

Related Commands

/giveitem [Player Partial Nick / ID] [Item ID] [Item Value]



Anyone may manufacture a fake driver license or photo ID if they possess the proper character skills and development and ability to role play making the ID exceptionally. We do not allow hacking into any government database to try and fake the ID as well. This means if the ID is checked by police, the ID would not be in the database and the player may be compromised if they try to use it.

Fields we deem necessary to include in a fake driver license or photo ID are listed below. If any one of the below points is excluded from the document, it is deemed invalid and cannot be issued to the character.

Players will need Teslin paper, a high quality color printer, costing several thousand dollars, a laminating machine, the proper computer with accompanying software, and the necessary holograms to lay over the Teslin paper before lamination.

Date of Birth
Expiration Date
Driver’s Height
Driver’s Weight
Hair Color
Eye Color
Issue Date
License Class
Full Address
Related Commands

/giveitem [Player Partial Nick / ID] [Item ID] [Item Value]



Spawning items, assets, game coins, etc, is split up into two broad categories. Refunds or purchasing, and of those, two smaller groups primarily exist. Senior admin or below and lead admin or above.

2.3.1 - MONEY

As an administrator you may be called upon to spawn money for various situations. This usually the result of an in-character action. There are some important key points you should understand before spawning any money.

If the money is requested to be spawned as a result of a system in place like chopping a car or getting money from a Faction Team Virtual Market, verify the validity of the claim. This is as simple as speaking to the person who they claim originally approved the spawning of the money or checking the forums or their /check for any proof that the spawning was approved.

Always put a note on their /check after money has been spawned to leave a paper-trail. A sufficient reason must be used in /givemoney. Using something like "N/A" is not acceptable.

Related Commands

/givemoney [Partial Player Nick] [Money] [Reason]

2.3.2 - GAME COINS

Game coins should only be spawned as a result of a refund or to Faction Team members as part of the reward program. Information about the reward program is found in the Faction Team forum section and may be spawned by lead+.

Only Chaos may spawn game coins to refund a player as a result of a bug. Direct all such requests to him.

Related Commands

/givegc [Player] [GCs] [Reason]

2.3.3 - VEHICLES

Vehicles are sometimes requested to be spawned, especially for factions, when it is a unique vehicle or not available at any dealership. In cases like this, any legal faction may have a vehicle spawned for them provided they meet three criteria.

They pay for the vehicle themselves at full price.
The vehicle already exists in their fleet.
i.e. (the SD already has a CVPI cruiser, they want 5 more for a new division.)
The vehicle is not armored or exceedingly unique.
Related Commands

/makeveh [ID from Veh Lib] [color1] [color2] [Owner] [Faction Vehicle (1/0)] [-1=carshop price] [Tinted Windows]

2.3.4 - WEAPONS

When weapons of any kind are spawned, please make an effort by actually naming them properly. There should be no reason for spawning a Colt 45 and leaving it named such. The same applies to knives, chainsaws, etcetera.

Melee Weapons

All melee weapons may be spawned which cannot usually be bought in a store. There are however some limitations.

The player must be a good role player. Having a melee weapon like a chainsaw which makes it far easier to DM people is a privilege. The same reasons a player may not be admitted to the Sheriff's Department to be a law enforcement officer apply to someone who is a poor role player requesting a special melee weapon. Privileges are not handed out to everyone.

The item must be paid for and acquired ICly. This is usually done through SLC or some other in-game courier service, although it is theoretically possible for them to just RP going into a hardware store and buying said chainsaw, Do not rule out that possibility.


Guns may not be spawned by anyone outside of a normal refund process. The only exception to this would be spawning guns for faction purposes. Verify that the request to spawn guns is actually valid. See the quote below from the section above about verification. (2.3.1)

If the money is requested to be spawned as a result of a system in place like chopping a car or getting money from a Faction Team Virtual Market, verify the validity of the claim. This is as simple as speaking to the person who they claim originally approved the spawning of the money or checking the forums or their /check for any proof that the spawning was approved.

Related Commands

/makegun [Player Partial Nick/ID] [Weapon Name/ID] [Quantity]

/makeammo [player partial nick/id] [weapon id] [rounds -optional]


/gunmaker (not garaunteed to function)



You may spawn an interior as an administrator under two circumstances.

The interior has been approved by the Mapping Team and needs to be implemented in-game.
A garage, bathroom, wardrobe, or other similar interior which would realistically exist.
The requested addition that would realistically exist would be something like a simple house interior which has no actual physical bathroom with a swinging door or its own room. This is common in apartments and non-custom interiors. If someone has an interior like this and requests a bathroom for example, the bathroom should be added. Houses, businesses, etcetera, simply do not exist without a bathroom.

This same concept applies to small closets and rooms of that nature. If there is a door on the wall that is part of the interior (again, this is very common with default interiors), then you may add that small room.

Do not forget. The interior must match the exterior of the building. Even if there is a door available to be made into that closet but the exterior is a small apartment, do not add it.

An example of an interior addition that is not intuitive or that wouldn't realistically exist would be a club. This club already has two bathrooms on the main floor and for whatever reason the club owner wants a bathroom added by the upstairs lounge. This is an unnecessary addition, or an addition that is not intuitive. There are already bathrooms present.

This request would need to be handled by approval from the Mapping Team. The player would also need to hire someone to actually role play doing the renovation, or do it themselves. Role play is always required at all steps.

Garages are treated the same way. A house with an exterior garage would be one of those intuitive additions. Something more custom like a garage at the side of an empty wall of a house would need to be reviewed by the Mapping Team and approved.

Related Commands

/addint [Interior ID] [TYPE] [Cost] [Name] [Admin Note - Optional]


Unrealistic Interiors

More to be added later.

Price Adjustment

More to be added later.

Interior Prices

More to be added later.



More to be added later.



More to be added later.



In-game reports are the most common type of report you'll deal with. It encompasses everything from bugs to reporting players or answering questions. It elicits a quick response from the admin and thus is the most common and preferred by the players.

Player Reports

Player reports are the most urgent and should be taken first. They are one player reporting another, usually due to them witnessing them actively breaking the rules.

Item Issue

Item issues entail most of the time, locking items, spawning items, moving items that were previously locked, creating gates, etc. These have a normal priority.

Interior Issues

Interior issues are the same priority as item issues and involve adjusting teleport locations, entrances, interior types and so on. Be sure to check and see if a player has the proper approval VIA forms to have interior related things changed.

Players who are falling from interiors or who are stuck have a higher priority than all of the other examples listed above.

Vehicle Related Issue

Vehicles can sometimes get bugged, need teleported, some players just can’t find them or some players are trying to steal them. All of these fall under vehicle related issues and have a normal priority.

Vehicle Build / Dealer Import, Etc.

Vehicle builds, dealer imports and matters of that nature are all handled by the Vehicle Team. These reports are expected to have a relatively small wait time, or high priority, considering there aren’t often many of these reports coming in. If these reports show up, do not hesitate to ask Vehicle Team members to take them through /st chat.

Scripting Question

Scripting questions can be anything from a player asking how a certain script works to trying to get in contact with a scripter or reporting a bug. These too have normal priority. If there is a bug, refer them to the Mantis. If they have urgent issues like serial number errors, refer them to the UCP and make a ticket for Chaos.

General Question

Finally, are general questions. This is anything and everything that isn’t covered by the aforementioned broad categories. General questions are very common and have a normal priority, or high, depending on the exact type of question or issue at hand.


Support center tickets or reports often take much longer than in-game reports and may require much more investigation, speaking to others, requesting evidence, etcetera. It is important for not only you as an administrator but also for the players to know this. There are times of unrealistic expectations of the administrators regarding ticket center reports.

With that said, every administrator is expected to reply to a ticket in the support center every 7 days.

Account Issue

These should almost always be assigned to Chaos. He has both the technical knowledge and access to be able to fix any outstanding account issues like serials, log-in problems, and so on.

Unban Request

Unban requests are simply that, requests to be unbanned. See section 1.7.3 on how to handle unban requests.

History Appeal

History appeals should be assigned to the admin who punished the player. If that staff member is no longer around, the appeal cannot be taken by anyone with rare exception to it being assigned to head administrators in bizarre circumstances. The reason for this is player’s histories are not able to be removed unless the punishment was invalid. Otherwise, it stays. If the staff member leaves, we have no way of telling the validity of the punishment and the benefit of the doubt is given to the staff member who infracted the player.

If the player wants to complain, the response is they should have appealed sooner, when the person was in the staff team. Player histories are very important for other admins to evaluate if a player has broken rules in the past. If it is removed, they cannot do that.

Refund Request

Check section 1.6 for more information on the specifics of refunds. In short though, refunds are to restore a lost or bugged item at a player’s request.

Donation Issue or Question

These just like account issues should be assigned to Chaos.

Player Report

Any admin can take a player report and it should be treated no differently than an in-game report, it just usually takes longer to complete on the support center.

Staff Report

Staff reports should be assigned to internal affairs members, which are head admins.

Bug Report

If you see a bug report, it is wise to direct the player to the OwlGaming Mantis. http://bugs.owlgaming.net/login_page.php

General Question

Anyone can take a general question ticket and it should be treated just as they are in-game.



Changed "head administration" to "upper administration" for unban requests.
Added 3.8.5 - Robberies & Theft - Generalities About Thefts / Burglaries - Robbing CKd Bodies - Cargo Container Thefts
Moved "Final Note" to the bottom of the Introduction, rather than it having its own section.

YUUUUGE reorganization and renumbering of the document. Please skim over / re-read it. (Admin 101 and 102)
Updated vehicle chopping percentages.
Added official faction vehicle chopping / selling perks.
Added information explaining how admins should go about accepting chopping requests.
Added information explaining how to go about verifying the validity of logs.
Added Spawning Items / Assets
Game Coins
Added a few more items to the container theft list.
Added a few more cars to the "luxury" and "sport" car list.
Finalized the content in "Robbing CKd Bodies"
Changed all "Owl Gaming" entries to "OwlGaming"
Added link to a percentage calculator for the car chopping section.
Added a portion about staff team blacklists (FT, MT, VT)
Fixed over 100+ typos and grammatical errors.
Added the "related commands" section to all...relevant areas. (not all may be complete)
Updated many old references. (such as "See section X for more info.) To match new structuring.
Made all headers full caps for easier reading / quick identification.
Started work on information about interiors. Will be finished in 1.4.
Moved the report type list to the appendix where it belongs.
